FECCIWA Celebrate World Soil Day

The world soil day is celebrated annually on the 5th of December. The objective of this day is to give awareness to people on the importance of the soil and to take care of it. The theme of the year is CARING FOR THE PLANET STARTS FROM THE GROUND; this day has been celebrated by the Fellowship of Christian Councils and Churches in West Africa.
Soil is a finite natural resource. At the scale of a human life, it is not renewable. However, despite the critical role that soils play in human livelihoods, they are increasingly degraded due to inappropriate management practices, population pressure resulting in unsustainable intensification and the poor governance which is inadequate for this essential resource.
FECCIWA has initiated an activity by visiting on a rice paddy cooperative at the TOVE mission, and then followed by a session of sharing of experiences with the responsible of the throne of the Lord Baptist church in the same community. To give an awareness to the church members on the importance of supporting the ecosystems and the well-being of the people by addressing the challenges which are linked to the management of the soils, and increase the visibility of the theme by encouraging, communities and people to make an active engagement to improve the health of the soil.. Some of the experiences were based on the biblical verses, which explain the link between the human being and the soil. In fact human beings are linked to the soil from the creation Genesis chapter 2 verse 7a, from their mission Genesis chapter 2 verse 15 and by the death ( from the death, we are return to the soil).
During the time of sharing experiences, the farmers have been mobilized on the importance of taking care of the soils. They have been given some of the negative impacts of using chemical fertilizer on the soils and the environment. Farmers have taken a decision to be engaged to reduce the use of the chemical fertilizer when they are doing their agricultural activity. The team of the FECCIWA has also taken the opportunity to give the policy brief to the people entitled Agro-ecology as the sustainable option for food security and environmental justice in West Africa.