Churches in Liberia under the auspices of the Liberian Council of Churches (LCC) and the Association of Evangelicals of Liberia (AEL) held a week long field visit in support of Local Food Producers in Nimba, Bong and Bomi Countries. Church leaders were able to meet with Member of Parliament, Hon. Larry Younguoi, who is also a Christian Farmer to lobby and advocate for change in support of small scale farmers in Liberia.

The church leaders took time to hold press conferences and raised their voices on issues that affect local food production, and called on national government to respect and support those who boost local economies.

The churches in Liberia have organized the Christian Association of Liberian Farmers (CALF) now, working closely with the LCC and the AEL. The Head of the Board of Director is Rev. Dr. Daniel Mcgee, who is also a successful  small scale farmer in Liberia, while the Executive Director appointed by the Board is the Rev. Clinton Gbawoh.

During the week, we were able to hold a round table discussion together with the farmers, the General Secretary of the Liberian Council of Churches, Atty. James Y. Gayflor, the President of the Association of Evangelicals of Liberia, Rev. Dr. James Karmu, the Treasurer of the Liberian Council of Churches, Rev. Charles R. Johnson, women farmers and with many rural pastors.

Farmers are facing numerous challenges especially after the evasion of the Ebola Virus Disease in Liberia. The Ebola has placed many more challenges on the people of Liberia in securing food and nutrition security. Hunger, poverty and poor performance of rural economies are all impacted by the Ebola crisis, and churches are forming alliances to address some of these situations.

Last Updated (Monday, 07 March 2016 11:26)