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Social justice for the hungry



The promotion of social justice for the hungry and poor people in West Africa was very much on my mind when I arrived in Abuja, Nigeria with 25 senior church leaders from 11 of the 13 member countries of the Fellowship of Christian Councils and Churches in West Africa.

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English (United Kingdom)
Prayer of the Month

God our Father, we thank you once again for the grace to end the year 2015 and to enter into the New Year 2016. We pray that you guide and protect the people of the world especially in the sub-region of West Africa.

We remember the countries which will be having their presidential elections this year especially Benin, Niger and the Central Africa Republic. We pray Lord for your peace before, during and after these elections.

Dear Lord, here we are to begin another new month; grant us the grace to accept the mission for which you have called us with love.

In Jesus’ name;


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